ATTA-Adventure Travel Trade Association

As a member of ATTA (Adventure Travel Trade Association), Auqui guarantees you world-class, state-of-the-art adventure tourism that promotes the protection of human populations and natural resources by means of sustainable and responsible practices.


The travel and tourism industry is the largest sector of commercial services in the world, employing 1 of every 11 people worldwide. Thus, it generates significant impacts on the economic welfare of people and the environment at a global level.


Adventure tourism, which mainly consists of small businesses that work in rural areas and natural environments, and which are largely dependent on human and natural resources, considers the protection and promotion of those resources as fundamental for its continued success. The Adventure Travel Association (ATTA) supports and promotes those efforts.


Additionally, it offers a set of strategic solutions and carries out specialized research efforts and educational programs in professional development and marketing, with the goal of reinforcing sustainable and responsible tourism practices.  


Contact Info

US/CA 1-855-255-9055
CUS 51-84-261-517
LIM 51-1-641-9181
Address: Jose Gabriel Cosio 307 Street, Magisterio, Cusco. Cusco – Perú