CARTUC – Regional Chamber of Tourism of Cusco

As founding members of the Cusco Chamber of Tourism, at Auqui we work constantly to improve the experiences of travelers at each of our destinations.

The Cusco Chamber of Tourism, established in 1985, works in collaboration with public administrative agencies to promote communication within and outside of the tourism sector, to encourage sustainable development and to foster an ideal business climate that benefits its associates.

The members of CARTUC encompass different fields and specialties, which include tourism operators, hotel companies, transportation companies, restaurants, institutions and handcraft artisans of our region.  

The Cusco Chamber of Tourism seeks to position itself as a leading promoter of the “Machu Picchu” brand, renowned worldwide and associated to our destination. Additionally, as a private sector representative, it strives to foster a business culture that values cultural heritage and socially responsible practices.


Contact Info

US/CA 1-855-255-9055
CUS 51-84-261-517
LIM 51-1-641-9181
Email: [email protected]
Address: Jose Gabriel Cosio 307 Street, Magisterio, Cusco. Cusco – Perú